Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dancing With Myself.....

What a fun busy week we had for the last week of April! Between school work, and family time- Adam and I were able to get a lot of things done as far as him - with work and myself- with doing things around the house. We both ran in a 5k on Saturday that benefited ALS... and I am VERY excited to report that I came in ahead of him! It was a tough course, with a total of 3 hills. The first was okay- second- little harder and the last and final was a killer! Thank goodness Alex (a very seasoned runner) came back down the hill and pumped me up to make it to the top of the final hill! (He ran it in under 20- he is the owner of the running store we shop at and his store sponsored the race) Once at the top- I realized it was the final stretch... I kicked it into overdrive, and passed quite a few people on the way to the finish line. I shaved ALMOST 3 WHOLE MINUTES off my last time. I was Dancing With Myself! I came it at 30:27 and boy did it feel good! Adam was not very happy- as he set out to beat me. I set out to only beat myself, and I'm glad I did it! After our race we headed home to clean up and get Parker to his first baseball game. He is on the Miracle League team which is specifically for handicapped kids. Each player has a buddy- (high school students from baseball teams in the county) who helps with batting and catching. Parker loved it and loved that he was out there playing the game. On Monday night we are going to the Braves vs the Mets! We are so excited! After his game- Taylor and I had a date- to see The Hannah Montana Movie. It was a cute movie and it was even more cute to see Taylor and her friend singing to all the songs and dancing in their seats. All and all- it was a great busy week and it ended perfectly with Stake Conference today. (in which we had to drive 45 minutes to get to!) Remember... Every Member a Missionary! Have a great week!! Love and Hugs...


Unknown said...

Why would you want to wear a skirt running? Congrats on the time shaving! Look at you all getting track and field! I miss ya...

By: Amanda said...

I think I was at your same stake conference today! You are right, we need to head out and find that "lost batallion!" It is so nice to see you guys just blooming where you've been planted......and I agree, why on earth would you want to wear a skirt when you are running? Seriously.

By: Amanda said...

Stake conf was just broadcast at our church, so we only had to go 10min away....I am surprised that wasn't the same for you! As far as the skirt, as long as you are wearing SOMETHING then that is better than nothing (even if it feels that way!)

Jess said...

That is so awesome! WAY TO GO!

D and H fam said...

You are such a doll!! Congrats on the running. Wish I had that kind of motivation - I've seriously got to diet and do all that good stuff!! Glad to see you guys are still doing well out there!!

Jason and Tawni said...

Great job on the 5k ... That is awesome!!! Your family is so darling, love your header picture, you should be on a magazine! We think about you all the time and I hope that you are doing well! Love you!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

You have inspired me, Shannon! I totally want to run a 5K. Of course, I need some major training or else I'm sure I will fall over and die. What's the name of the program you've been doing?

About Me

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Adam and I have been married now for 14 years! To make a long story short- we met at the end of June, had our first date on July 4th, and were married on Sept 1, 1995. All I have to say, is "it was in his kiss." Adam is now a regional manager with Vita-mix. It has been a great blessing to have him here at home so that he can witness his children doing and saying all the fun things they do. We love where we live, but really do miss living close to both our parents and siblings. We have so much fun when we are all together and I am so lucky to have 4 fun loving wonderful sister in laws,lots of friends and 4 amazing BEST friends to hang out with. I know many of you will find this shocking but one of my best friends is my mother in law! I know that I can call on her at any time just to share a good laugh. She has given me the best thing a woman can give away- her son. I know- grab the tissue, I'll wait. Seriously- I love life and above all I am so grateful to know that MY FAMILY IS FOREVER!