Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter...

Oh do I love the feel of Spring, and all the glory it brings with it. I really don't feel like we have had a gradual return to spring in that it went from being super cold to like 85 degree super hot! Yesterday we took the kids to the Y (which we have joined) for their little spring Carnival/egg hunt. It was a good time for the two younger ones, but Makenzie opted to not go because she was too old to participate in the egg hunts. She enjoyed her afternoon and loved the opportunity to watch a movie and have popcorn all to herself! As I have been out of practice in taking my camera everywhere, I forgot my camera at home. Bummer for me, but we had a great time. Taylor even won a prize! Friday night Adam and I saw the movie "Clash of the Titans", it was a good movie and had much better graphics and a much better story line than the original one from the 80's. Now here we are- Sunday, and I woke up earlier to start the our day. I let Adam sleep in, although is it really sleeping in when you always get up that late? Hmmmm, I will have to think on that one. After I made the kids a good egg/sausage and cheese burrito I started to prep for the remainder of the day. Everyone got busy, showering, cleaning up rooms and making beds so that all would be done in time to sit and watch conference. With the roast in, cake made, and eggs freshly decorated- we were all able to sit and enjoy the first session of conference. Oh do I love to hear our Prophet speak. It is especially times like this that I miss my Utah family and more selfishly, The St.George Temple. I am so craving the need to attend the Temple... I am going to try to put together a group of sisters who would like to go, since Adam and I can't leave that kids that long. (It would be like 7-8 hours that they would be home alone and we just couldn't do that!) Now, I am waiting for the last session of conference. My friend Brandi (non-member) is coming over and then afterwards the missionaries will be joining us for dinner. Speaking of missionairies, the Sister Missionary who was a part of MY disscussions has found me on FB. Can you believe that? So FB has it's advantages sometimes! May this day be filled with our thoughts centered around our Loving Heavenly Father and Our Savior Jesus Christ... Love and Hugs-


Cindy said...

What a sweet and tender Easter blog. Always love to hear about the Georgia Wallicks. Happy Spring/summer(wow, we haven't made it to 80'S yet). Conf was great as always. I love feeling the Holy Ghost testify to me when the leaders give their talks. If you missed the Sat. sessions you'll won't want to miss reading Elder Holland's talk in the second Sat session. I think it was the second. Could have been the end of the first Sat. session. We sure are blessed to be guided by such great leaders in these latter days. Love you Shannon!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Glad you guys had a nice Easter. We lucked out that Conference was on TV this time. In the fall, we had to watch it online so that was kinda tough with the kiddos. Having it on TV made it SO much easier to keep their attention - for the first session, at least. :)

That is too cool that one of your Sister Missionaries found you on FB. Hope you guys are doing well!

About Me

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Adam and I have been married now for 14 years! To make a long story short- we met at the end of June, had our first date on July 4th, and were married on Sept 1, 1995. All I have to say, is "it was in his kiss." Adam is now a regional manager with Vita-mix. It has been a great blessing to have him here at home so that he can witness his children doing and saying all the fun things they do. We love where we live, but really do miss living close to both our parents and siblings. We have so much fun when we are all together and I am so lucky to have 4 fun loving wonderful sister in laws,lots of friends and 4 amazing BEST friends to hang out with. I know many of you will find this shocking but one of my best friends is my mother in law! I know that I can call on her at any time just to share a good laugh. She has given me the best thing a woman can give away- her son. I know- grab the tissue, I'll wait. Seriously- I love life and above all I am so grateful to know that MY FAMILY IS FOREVER!