Friday, October 31, 2008


AAAARRRGGGHHH! My girls back home- having fun without me! Andi, Tuesdee and Donna- at Gabs 10th B-day party- Nice- they tied kids up and took their props! I miss em like crazy but life here is good! I can't complain- I'm just glad that we are all happy, safe, and together! Hope the same for all you!
Oh yeah and don't have too much fun without me- I know it will be sad since we have spent the last 11 years together but make sure you have a moment of silence for me!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

CC 2nd Ward Please Read

This goes out to my ward family back home- would someone please take a "trick or trunk" invite to the renters in my house? Remember- they are totally inactive, the wife wants to get back into the church, and they have two girls, one boy. This would be the perfect way to show your sweet missionary skills. (you know, besides your numb- chuck skills, and your computer hacking skills!) Thanks!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


We had a fun Saturday and Sunday, but very exhausting! We have had Adams cousin Joey here from Texas since Wednesday, and so we HAD to make sure that he got to do the TWO things he really wanted to. Saturday we took the MARTA ( like a subway) into the downtown area to go to the aquarium. That was fun because Julie- our fun loving cousin met up with us, and while we were eating at Johnny Rockets in the downtown area, our neighbors from across the street walk in! We actually knew someone! It was funny! So as you can see from the pictures it was really cool- we even visited the Titanic exhibit. I was a first class passenger ( of course!) AND I survived! That was neat. Yesterday at church we had a good time and everyone was really nice. We found out that we missed the "trunk or treat" so that was a bummer but what can you do? After lunch we went to Stone Mountain. If you don't know what that is about, google it because I'm too tired to go on. Just wanted to share some fun pictures and I will post again soon!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Yup- it's Wildcat Time! So we took the kids and a bunch of us from the neighborhood went to see the movie. It was cute, great dance numbers, very colorful and imaginative, but lots and lots of duets between "Troy" and "Gabriella". From a mothers point of view, I thought it was worth the 7.50 per kid- 8. per adult and the $16 bag of popcorn and two soda price tag. (No- Adam did not go- he was working ) It's just too bad that Disney needed to cash in on releasing this movie in the theater because it would have definitely been okay to just show it on t.v. Oh well, we are suckers for good entertainment for our kids, so we will pay it- right?

After the movie ended- Parker got up and ran to the front of the theatre with Taylor following right behind him. It was fun to watch him sing and dance with Taylor- but then somehow Parker ended up dancing with some other little girl and it was soo cute. Her siblings were clapping and the moms were all saying "aawww". Cute and fun for all- so go see it if you must!

I would post pictures but my camera is out of batteries sooooo........ next time!

Hope all is well-

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

That's Life in the BIG CITY

So we have had a very interesting weekend/week. I know- it's only Wednesday but...
This past Sunday was supposed to be our first time at church but it WASN'T. Taylor woke up with the vomits at 2:45a.m. Yeah I know- Lame, I mean - poor baby! Then it escalated to a high fever- which made it worse because of the tossing and turning and the pure heat radiating off her little body. She spent the good portion of the day sick, with the heaving and the aches.
Now it's Monday and I am overtaken by ANTS! Fire Ants to say the least. They are in my pantry, my laundry room and by my front door. I mean, it was enough to give me the hebbie jibbies. LOTS of ants, so I sucked them up with the vacuum and Adam killed them with some spray- GROSS. Now it's Wednesday and MY throat has been aching! I am happy to report that Taylor went to school yesterday, Bulwark pest control annihilated the ant problem and hey- IF I do get sick- NO BIG DEAL!!! Just wanted to make sure you all are good and hope all is well.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So- I'm feeling pretty good- house is clean, I'm dressed with full hair and make up and guess what people? Most of you are not even up yet! That's right! It's 9 am here so it's 7 there and ....
so there!
It's not too bad once you get going but... seriously! We are in the swing of things here, all the kids are now bus riders- which is nice since all 3 go to different schools! Tays' bus comes at 6:40, Parkers next at 7:05 and then Kenz at 8:25. Parker got kicked out after his first week. Well, not that bad but.. the school he started at doesn't have a special education program but they wanted to see how he would do, even though WE knew it would not last. He was miserable because he is not used to the rigors of "normal" class work. So the lady at the school who deals with kids with special needs asked us if she could meet with us and have a committee set up so that we could talk about Parkers needs. WOW!! We showed up and so did 8 other people including the principals from Vickery Creek (first) and Sawnee ( current). We were really impressed and they really seemed to have Parkers needs first on their list. They were not impressed with the services provided to him in Utah ( sorry) but back home Parker got 20 min a week of speech because the district shares Speech Therapists. His school here has 6- ya you heard me-6 full time on site speech therapists! We are excited to see how he grows and hope that his speech will come. He is really liking his new school and class and I'm sure within no time- he will once again be the B.M.O.C.( Big Man On Campus)
The girls are happy- making lots of friends, and really seeming to flourish in their schools. Kenzie has jumped right in and has been doing better with the whole move. Jetta has made some doggie friends of her own, and Adam and I are happy that we are all here together, and that he is working.
I don't know about you all, but this whole economy mess really scares me! I pray that each of you will feel Heavenly Fathers love, that each of you will continue to be blessed and that you will have the strength to get through whatever may come your way. Love and hugs- Shannon
By the way- hope the new tunes get you in a dancing mood!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Georgia- We ARE HERE!

Well my dears- we are here! We are 100% unpacked and the kids will have their first day of
school tomorrow! We had to jump through some MAJOR hoops to get this to happen! Here in
Georgia the kids have to have their second chicken pox shot and a flu shot, hearing exam,
dental exam and a vision check before they could start- so when I say we had to jump some
hoops- Im not kidding. Then today we had to meet with counselors to determine classrooms
and schedules. Blah Blah Blah! Listen to the most obscene part- Parker and Taylor have to be
at the bus stop at 6:40! Gross! That is a.m. people! :K-5th goes from 7:40 to 2:20. Kenz goes
from 9-4:15 and will get off the bus at around 4:45- just in time for dinner and homework!
What a nightmare but what can you do?
Enough about me and us- just wanted to say a special "THANK YOU" to The Gustaveson
Family for hosting a farewell dessert get together, "THANKS" to all our fabulous friends who
stopped in to say good-bye, 'THANKS" to the Schoffs for having us over for dinner the night
our furniture was on its way here, and 'THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY" for
the love and tears. I truly miss my life in St.George but the neighbors here have rolled out the
"welcome wagon" and have just been wonderful. We have had dinner brought to our front
door- and our nieghbors across the street have introduced Makenzie and Taylor to all the girls
their ages in the area. Its been nice. Like I said- there is NO place like home but ......

I am thankful that we are here as a family, I am thankful beyond words that my husband is
able to have a job in this crazy economy, I am so thankful that we have a renter in our home,
and I am so thankful for the internet because we were able to watch General Conference! I
know that all the blessings in my life have been because of our Loving Father in Heaven, and I
am grateful to have such amazing friends like you all back home. I love and miss each of you
and please keep an eye on my house.

About Me

My photo
Adam and I have been married now for 14 years! To make a long story short- we met at the end of June, had our first date on July 4th, and were married on Sept 1, 1995. All I have to say, is "it was in his kiss." Adam is now a regional manager with Vita-mix. It has been a great blessing to have him here at home so that he can witness his children doing and saying all the fun things they do. We love where we live, but really do miss living close to both our parents and siblings. We have so much fun when we are all together and I am so lucky to have 4 fun loving wonderful sister in laws,lots of friends and 4 amazing BEST friends to hang out with. I know many of you will find this shocking but one of my best friends is my mother in law! I know that I can call on her at any time just to share a good laugh. She has given me the best thing a woman can give away- her son. I know- grab the tissue, I'll wait. Seriously- I love life and above all I am so grateful to know that MY FAMILY IS FOREVER!