Monday, October 6, 2008

Georgia- We ARE HERE!

Well my dears- we are here! We are 100% unpacked and the kids will have their first day of
school tomorrow! We had to jump through some MAJOR hoops to get this to happen! Here in
Georgia the kids have to have their second chicken pox shot and a flu shot, hearing exam,
dental exam and a vision check before they could start- so when I say we had to jump some
hoops- Im not kidding. Then today we had to meet with counselors to determine classrooms
and schedules. Blah Blah Blah! Listen to the most obscene part- Parker and Taylor have to be
at the bus stop at 6:40! Gross! That is a.m. people! :K-5th goes from 7:40 to 2:20. Kenz goes
from 9-4:15 and will get off the bus at around 4:45- just in time for dinner and homework!
What a nightmare but what can you do?
Enough about me and us- just wanted to say a special "THANK YOU" to The Gustaveson
Family for hosting a farewell dessert get together, "THANKS" to all our fabulous friends who
stopped in to say good-bye, 'THANKS" to the Schoffs for having us over for dinner the night
our furniture was on its way here, and 'THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY" for
the love and tears. I truly miss my life in St.George but the neighbors here have rolled out the
"welcome wagon" and have just been wonderful. We have had dinner brought to our front
door- and our nieghbors across the street have introduced Makenzie and Taylor to all the girls
their ages in the area. Its been nice. Like I said- there is NO place like home but ......

I am thankful that we are here as a family, I am thankful beyond words that my husband is
able to have a job in this crazy economy, I am so thankful that we have a renter in our home,
and I am so thankful for the internet because we were able to watch General Conference! I
know that all the blessings in my life have been because of our Loving Father in Heaven, and I
am grateful to have such amazing friends like you all back home. I love and miss each of you
and please keep an eye on my house.


andi watkins said...

well girl, I'm glad things are finally starting to come together for ya... how was the kids first day of school? post some pictures already! BTW Pam is not going to be able to come into costco anymore if she is going to make me cry everytime! but i did get a little laugh in at the end when she ordered reprints of my FAVORITE

Shauna said...

You wasted no time getting unpacked and settled in! That's a bummer about the kids school schedule. It was bad enough getting them to bus stop by 7am! We will definitely keep an eye on your house. It is sad knowing that you are not in there as we pass by it everyday. I keep waiting for the "big scary spider" to appear on the front of the house! We sure do miss you guys!!!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you got there safe and sound. What a pain to have the kids start and end school at all different times. I sure miss ya!! How's the weather. The comment before me talks about your scary spider on your house. We moved to Coral Canyon in October and my kids thought your house was the coolest with the spider. Plus, they also knew we turned at the spider. Anywho, I'm happy for you and your family. I missed you when I went to the What Women Want Expo here a month ago. No pink sunglasses. :(

Angela said...

Holy cow! I would still be asking Todd, "Babe, do you know which box the toilet paper is in?" haha! It took me 3 weeks to finally get everything unpacked in CC when we moved in, so you're ON IT woman! All schools on my island started at 7:45 also so I feel your pain. It's better in the afternoon because there's more time between school-end and dinner. We always felt like there was so much time left in the day after school! :0) We do miss you though-everytime I drive by the house I look as if I expect to see Adam's white 'burban.

Ryan, Helen and Kids said...

Love yours! we are good. I am gald you guys made it ok, and already settle. We sure miss you around here! Love you girl.

Tuesday said...

So should we call this...chapter 13? This is bound to be an adventure that you will not soon forget. I am so happy that ya all are enjoying your new home and settling in so well. Nothing is better than having good neighbors, as you already know. Love to everyone

raw mom said...

you moved!! well, its a good thing i know where to stalk ya!

yoyis said...

Oh Shannon!! you'll make great friends so'll feel right at home soon and the kids too... miss ya!

Josh and Michele said...

okay, it is so like you to totally be all the way done unpacking. You silly girl....well I was just wondering if you could make a special trip back to go to the midnite showing of twilight with a whole big group of groupies? Never say could happen.

The Crocketts said...

I am SO glad that everything is going well for you. Good luck and I know that the Lord will continue to bless you as you do His will. Give me a call if you ever need someone to talk to during your days! If you don't have my # just email me at mommy 4 ever 13 at yahoo dot com Luv ya!

Gilchrist Gang said...

What the.... 100% unpacked.....figures. So happy to hear you made it safe! Love the pictures from along the way. James wanted to ship you that snake as a house warming gift. It could be your first romantic dinner with Adam in your new house. Your house looks great...need to go meet the new neighbors...maybe next year, knowing me. LOL James wants to know how close your are to Atlanta...Nascar baby.. We want to go to a race out there. Can we camp out on your floor? j/k. Take care and stay in touch! Jen

Heather and Trevor said...

oh! I am so glad that you made it and things are good. What a BUSY first few days you must have had! Holy cow! What a crazy school schedule too! We totally miss you too! Thanks for the shout out! We had such a great goodbye party with everyone there. it was a great way to send you off! Too bad we couldn't hit Cafe' Rio! I know you will miss that! I have the homemade recipe versions if you want them! I will totally e-ail you them. Anyways, glad it went well and again we miss you! :)

The Steele Family said...

Well...glad you guys are all settled in! That is crazy what they had you do for the kids to go to school! So we took Marshae to her first pumpkin patch (the one in paragonah). It was pretty fun. I'll be posting the pictures soon. Anyways, miss you guys tons and hope everything is going awesome!

Lori said...

Hey Shannon, I got your blog off of Robin Hessey's blog. This blogging world is getting smaller and smaller. Georgia?? WOW!!! I loved reading your blog and seeing how big your kids are. I have a blog'll have to add me. I hope everything works out wonderfully for you.

About Me

My photo
Adam and I have been married now for 14 years! To make a long story short- we met at the end of June, had our first date on July 4th, and were married on Sept 1, 1995. All I have to say, is "it was in his kiss." Adam is now a regional manager with Vita-mix. It has been a great blessing to have him here at home so that he can witness his children doing and saying all the fun things they do. We love where we live, but really do miss living close to both our parents and siblings. We have so much fun when we are all together and I am so lucky to have 4 fun loving wonderful sister in laws,lots of friends and 4 amazing BEST friends to hang out with. I know many of you will find this shocking but one of my best friends is my mother in law! I know that I can call on her at any time just to share a good laugh. She has given me the best thing a woman can give away- her son. I know- grab the tissue, I'll wait. Seriously- I love life and above all I am so grateful to know that MY FAMILY IS FOREVER!