Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's Happening?

Well folks, I can tell you all that the Wallick Family had a slow week. Our kids went back to school and Adam and I have gotten back into the swing of getting up early and getting everyone off to the buses on a timely manner. We did go to the Temple on Friday and I can tell you that I am glad we opted to go in the morning versus going with our ward members later. The Atlanta Temple is not as big as the one we are used to back in Utah so our 10am session was full at approximately 50 people. Later that night was our ward Temple night and we had members there till PAST midnight! Yup! EVERY session that day was full! (The Temple is now closed for 2 weeks for cleaning) I did have a wonderful experience in talking with the Officiator and his wife, the Matron after our session. They were about to end their mission on Saturday and return home to.... St.George Utah! It was so fun to hear from them how much they have loved this area! They were so sweet and they should be home by Wednesday. They plan on returning to the St.George Temple so if you see them- say hi. I don't think I can remember how to spell their last name but it was Alpbanapy or something close! We had a primary breakfast on Saturday which was a lot fun for me- Adam got called as a CTR 7 teacher- so he is now one of Taylor's' teacher! He is so cute with his class and I can tell he will really enjoy his time in Primary. As for myself I am now the Youth Sunday School teacher for the 13-14 year olds. Today was my first time in the class and I LOVED it!
We are both grateful to be serving in the Lord's True Church, and we look forward to the opportunity to continue to meet and get to know the members of our ward.
Tonight while reading Scriptures with our children we came across this verse from Mosiah 24. It is verse 14 which reads- And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders,that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.
For many of us, the economy is still a worry in our minds- for me, the Scriptures often bring me the peace I need to have my fears calmed.
I am grateful for all your letters and emails, and support!
Love and Hugs-


Jason and Tawni said...

Seriously, could you be any cuter? I just love you! I am so glad that you were able to talk to my Dad the other day, I am sure that he loved hearing from you. I did get called into the RS Presidency and I feel very blessed to be serving in that capacity. It is a pleasure working with Deanne Robison and I am really excited about it!
I love your blog and all of your posts, you do a great job keeping us feeling like we see all of you on a regular basis!
Oh, and the ice skating night you guys had? That is so freaking awesome, I would LOVE to do that with our family but obviously there is no where to go in St. George! What fun parents you guys are, your kiddos are lucky to have you both!

Take care!

Josh and Michele said...

I am sure you guys are the best thing that has happened to Georgia in a long time. That stake/ward is lucky to have such awesome members. you guys have always been such great examples to us and I know that many non members are watching your family, and wondering why you guys are so dang happy! Thanks for being such a good example to me, even from clear across the country.

yoyis said...

I know you'll be great with the youth!! Congrats to Adam too on his calling... he'll be great!! I loved the scripture, thanks for sharing... I'll do better this year to read scriptures with my family, you are a good example. I know somebody here in my tiny town with that lastname. I can't spell it either LOL.

Melissa (Wallick) Larson said...

I don't think I have ever commented on your blog, so here I go. I have to thank you so much for being such a good example to me, but especially for the example you are to my brother. There were times when I didn't think Adam would do much with the church and even though I wasn't so sure when we first met, I do believe that you are the BEST thing that has ever happened to him. Thanks for being such a great wife to my brother and being such an awesome sister-in-law. I miss having you guys around.

Melissa (Wallick) Larson said...

I don't think I have ever commented on your blog, so here I go. I have to thank you so much for being such a good example to me, but especially for the example you are to my brother. There were times when I didn't think Adam would do much with the church and even though I wasn't so sure when we first met, I do believe that you are the BEST thing that has ever happened to him. Thanks for being such a great wife to my brother and being such an awesome sister-in-law. I miss having you guys around.

redheadsmom said...

I miss you so much! I know we only ever saw each other at the school, but you are always so dang cheerful. I definitely need to take lessons.

The Isoms said...

Do you live by Commerce, bro is there for a little while longer!?

Unknown said...

Grandma Wallick Ilove you all sooooooo much and I miss you all soooooo much. Not being computer smart this is a new experence for me one which I think I will like. Its wonderful to see your smiling faces and to be able to share in your lifes experences.Grandma loves you all my heartful

Cindy said...

Shannon, have I told you how inspiring and uplifting your blog is to me? Well, it is for sure. You are amazing. Thank you again for your blog. Your journaling is excellent. Love your pictures. What a precious family you are. So glad to be a part of your family. Much Love to you all xoxoxoxo

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Thanks for sharing that scripture. It's comforting to know that the Lord is always there for us no matter what trials we are going through. Love you guys!

About Me

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Adam and I have been married now for 14 years! To make a long story short- we met at the end of June, had our first date on July 4th, and were married on Sept 1, 1995. All I have to say, is "it was in his kiss." Adam is now a regional manager with Vita-mix. It has been a great blessing to have him here at home so that he can witness his children doing and saying all the fun things they do. We love where we live, but really do miss living close to both our parents and siblings. We have so much fun when we are all together and I am so lucky to have 4 fun loving wonderful sister in laws,lots of friends and 4 amazing BEST friends to hang out with. I know many of you will find this shocking but one of my best friends is my mother in law! I know that I can call on her at any time just to share a good laugh. She has given me the best thing a woman can give away- her son. I know- grab the tissue, I'll wait. Seriously- I love life and above all I am so grateful to know that MY FAMILY IS FOREVER!