So as promised here is my current weight! I thought somehow I would wake up and have magically lost 3 pounds! Wouldn't that be awesome? So there you have it folks!
If you read my comments you will notice how not smart "chinny chin chin" is- she just ratted herself out! In my defense- it wasn't a loud "toot" - AND we were at a Mexican food place ( even though I had a ceaser salad BUT I did have chips n salsa!)
So Chiners isnt as funny as she thinks she is!! Wish me luck and let me know whose jumpin on the wagon with me- chiners lets have another competition! Your going down- again! In case you just joined us- scroll down and find out why my weight is here
dork, true dork, sometimes i hold my head in shame that you are from the same stock as myself!! You are a dork among dorks Banana!
Holy crap, you are a brave one. Like you really need to lose any weight!! Good luck though, nice toenails!!
You are so funny....and crazy! Crack'n me up again.
you are soooo lame... everyone knows the silent ones are the deadly ones... and fyi only the first one was silent! okay im lame too, I'm over it. on to bigger and better things... you mentioned a challenge? um ABSOLUTELY im down for that, so bring it sister, im gonna smoke your stinky butt!
You are one hot 38 year old! I'm on the game with you! As of this am I have lost 10 pounds! (Taken me since the end of January, but I did!) I'm down almost 2 dress sizes! The baby weight is COMIN' off! WHOOO! I'm cheering you on too!
Hey there, thanks for the awesome time at the WWW Expo. I know you want to go back and buy some stuff from the "back" room!! I had a blast, I hope your day wasn't too crazy. By the way, every one of my boys noticed my pink sunglasses and therefore so did my husband, Dang it!! He did think they were me though.
You are so funny! YOu look so good! I love that you put me on there! Yeah right! .....:) Let me know how your new paper turns out! :) Can't wait to see it!
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